Thursday 12 September 2013

Christian News from Around the World (12/9)

Spiritual Cardiology - Spiritually dead people don't need Band-Aids; they need defibrillators. They need the heavy shock of the gospel, accompanied by prayer that the Holy Spirit would haunt them with doubt until they turn from sin, death, and Satan to Christ alone.

Dare Not Compare - The problem with comparing our lives to others can be traced to our hearts that produce the comparison. When we desire the life someone else has, we are saying in our heart that the gifts God has given us just aren't enough. Our discontentment, jealousy, and bitterness points a finger at God and tells him that he has gotten the story of our life wrong, and we can write it better.

His Robes for MineHis Robes for Mine teaches the substitutionary atonement of Christ, through which our Savior bore away God’s wrath from us, and the gift of righteousness by His grace.

Exciting Times at Puritan Reformed Seminary - We’re therefore,expanding the current facility by approximately 18,000 square feet to give us larger classrooms, 75% extra library space, several new offices, room for additional student carrels, enlarged student cafeteria and more.

The Ultimate Good Samaritan

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