Thursday 7 November 2013

News from Around the World (7/11)

Writing in Your Books - Here are five reasons I believe defacing an author’s work is warranted.

10 Love Challenge - Yesterday I gave my congregation 10 Love Challenges that  translate the sometimes nebulous idea of love into very practical, do-able actions. In some ways each action might not seem very much; each challenge has only one fairly quick and easy action per month.

Fellow Christians: I'm Rich and I'm Sorry - I need the new conversation about money. I need it, not only because I am rich and feeling sorry, but because I believe—and the Bible insists—that the much with which I've been entrusted has been meant for good (2 Cor. 8:14).

Study Theology, Even If You Don't Believe in God - “theology is the closest thing we have at the moment to the kind of general study of all aspects of human culture that was once very common, but is now quite rare.” A good theologian, he says, “has to be a historian, a philosopher, a linguist, a skillful interpreter of texts both ancient and modern, and probably many other things besides.”

7 Things I Learned in 7 Years of Reading, Writing, and Living - Reflections on how to keep the center solid as you continue to evolve.

No One Is Having Sex on Their Wedding Night Anymore - Of course, the trend in couples living together (and having sex) before getting married renders the wedding night sex thing a bit obsolete.

A New Perspective for Moms

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