Saturday, 21 September 2013

Christian News from around the World (21/9)

Eschatology 101–definitions - Some useful help on a complicated topic.

Spurgeon on the 10 Commandments - Here's one of the ones I like “When God writes the law in a man’s heart, he takes the law more to himself than he applies it to anybody else, and his cry is not, “See how my neighbors sin,” but, “See how I sin.” His clamor is not against his brother’s fault, but against his own fault. No longer does he look out for motes in other men’s eyes, but he is most concerned about the beam which he is quite aware is in his own eye, and he prays the Lord to remove it.

Abortion Clinics Closing at Record Rate - This year, 42 clinics that provided surgical abortions have shut their doors, and two that offered chemical abortions by drugs also have closed, according to Operation Rescue, which monitors closings and health and safety violations by clinics nationwide. That number far surpasses the 25 surgical clinics shutdown last year and the 30 in 2011, by Operation Rescue's count. While others estimate a smaller number of closings, the pattern is clear.

 Evangelicalism and Its Pathologies - Movements, like individuals, carry their destruction with them as well: genetic traits embedded in their institutional DNA from the beginning, which, left unwatched or unchecked, will eventually lead them into their own pit of despair. Evangelicalism is no different. Like all movements, it received at its birth both tremendous strengths and potentially debilitating weaknesses. And its history has been marked by the highs of the former and the depressing lows of the latter.

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