Not Even a Hint - “talking and thinking about sexual sins ‘creates an atmosphere in which they are tolerated and which can . . . promote their practice,’” how can we justify paying money to see, taste, and laugh at sexual sin? How can we stare at sensuality which aims to amuse and arouse and weaken our conscience and deaden our sense of spiritual things
Resting in Ministry - Since ministry is so difficult, it’s important to rest properly. One thing to remember is that ministry is primarily emotional and spiritual work.
Jesus knows our Weakness - The beauty of this is that he understands the weakness of those sinning against him right at that moment. He doesn't offer a word of judgment, but rather a word of forgiveness.
Suffering and God’s Sovereignty with R. C. Sproul Jr.
- What was it that prompted you to attend worship the morning your wife, Denise, died? (00:49)
- What enabled you to teach a series on suffering after having just experienced so much? (03:11)
- Why should we try to “own” the sovereignty of God in the context of suffering? (05:03)
- Why are those in the contemporary church struggling so much with suffering and the sovereignty of God? (07:48)
- Why do bad things happen to “good” people? (10:05)
- When Jesus suffered and died on Calvary, did God suffer? (12:00)
- How do you hope this series will benefit the church? (14:37)
- How can Christians encourage those who are in the midst of great hardship? (16:12)
- How is R.C. Sproul Jr. doing? (18:46)
"When you can see horror and grace put together, you realise there is no place, humanly speaking, where we can find an absolute way to understand these things. Only on the cross of Jesus Christ do love, justice, evil, and forgiveness converge. Evil, in the heart of man, shown in the crucifixation; love, in the heart of God who gave His Son; forgiveness, because of the grace of Christ; and justice, because of the law of God revealed." Ravi Zacharias.
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