A blogpost for Kindle deals, book reviews and some christian news
Friday, 6 September 2013
Kindle Deal (6/9)
Some kindle deals for today. Twelve Ordinary Men ($2.24) Contrary to popular belief, we do not have to be perfect to do God's work. Look no further than the twelve disciples whose many weaknesses are forever preserved throughout the pages of the New Testament. Jesus chose ordinary men - fisherman, tax collectors, political zealots - and turned their weakness into strength, producing greatness from utter uselessness. MacArthur draws principles from Christ's careful, hands-on training of the original twelve disciples for today's modern disciple - you.
A Puritan Theology: Doctrine for Life ($9.99) [yes, it's a bit expensive, but considering that it's about 1000+ pages in length, and usually retails at $20/30+. It's still a good deal to get.]
A Puritan Theology: Doctrine for Life offers a groundbreaking treatment of the Puritans’ teaching on most major Reformed doctrines, particularly those doctrines in which the Puritans made significant contributions. Since the late 1950s, nearly 150 Puritan authors and 700 Puritan titles have been reprinted and catalogued by Joel Beeke and Randall Pederson in their 2006 collection of mini-biographies and book reviews, titled, Meet the Puritans. However, no work until now has gathered together the threads of their teaching into a unified tapestry of systematic theology. A Puritan Theology, by Joel Beeke and Mark Jones, attempts to do that. The book addresses Puritan teachings on all six loci of theology, covering fifty areas of doctrine. The book explores Puritan teachings on biblical interpretation, God, predestination, providence, angels, sin, the covenants, the gospel, Christ, preparation for conversion, regeneration, coming to Christ, justification, adoption, church government, the Sabbath, preaching, baptism, heaven, hell, and many other topics. It ends with eight chapters that explore Puritan “theology in practice.” Some chapters highlight the work of a specific theologian such as William Perkins, William Ames, John Owen, Stephen Charnock, or Thomas Goodwin on a specific topic. Other chapters survey various authors on a particular subject. The goal of A Puritan Theology is to increase knowledge in the mind and godliness in the soul. It was written for theologians, historians, pastors, and educated laymen who seek to learn more about Puritan theology.
The Call continues to stand as a classic, reflective work on life's purpose. Best-selling author Os Guinness goes beyond our surface understanding of God's call and addresses the fact that God has a specific calling for our individual lives.
Why am I here? What is God's call in my life? How do I fit God's call with my own individuality? How should God's calling affect my career, my plans for the future, my concepts of success?Guinness now helps the reader discover answers to these questions, and more, through a corresponding workbook - perfect for individual or group study. According to Guinness, "No idea short of God's call can ground and fulfill the truest human desire for purpose and fulfillment." With tens of thousands of readers to date, The Call is for all who desire a purposeful, intentional life of faith. An Essential Guide to Public Speaking ($2.99)
Whether at a business meeting, church gathering, or social function, most of us will be called upon at some time to speak publicly. As Christians, we are called to speak not only with effectiveness but also in a way that honors God and embodies Christian virtue. In An Essential Guide to Public Speaking, communications expert Quentin J. Schultze encourages readers to become servant speakers who faithfully serve their audiences as neighbors. Besides providing a biblical perspective on public speaking, this accessible book also covers such practical topics as overcoming common challenges, the importance of listening, and the art of preparing and delivering well-crafted speeches. Filled with helpful sidebars, checklists, and tips, this is a book for any person who wishes to improve his or her public speaking skills.
What does it mean to be "saved by grace"? Now revised and updated, this classic reminds readers of the Reformation's radical view of God and his saving grace, the liberating yet humbling truth that we contribute nothing to our salvation. It lays out the scriptural basis for this doctrine and its implications for a vibrant evangelical faith. Horton's accessible treatment will inspire readers with a fresh amazement at God's grace.
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