Friday, 1 November 2013

Christian News from Around the World (1/11)

8 Lessons from the Life of John Knox - 8 valuable lessons for us to learn.


Biblical Hospitality - True hospitality is sacrificial, uncomfortable, and does not seek to impress others. Hospitality flows from a hospitable heart. It is more about your open heart and home, not your impressive entertaining skills.

The Importatnce of the Covenant of Marriage - Why do we say that marriage is the most deeply covenantal relationship? It is because marriage has both strong horizontal and vertical aspects to it.

The 3 Core Dimension of Unity - I encourage you today to pursue unity within your church doctrinally, missionally, and relationally. Don’t harden your heart any longer. If you and your church are not living in the unity that Jesus has made possible, then I encourage you to examine your heart, turn from sin that’s inhibiting unity, trust in Jesus, and live within the unity he’s achieved for us.

Q&A with the Apostle Paul - We sometimes think of the second half of the first chapter of Romans as a discourse about atheists. But in reality, it’s a universal text that applies to all of us apart from Christ—what we are, what we do, and what we would do apart from God’s restraining and redeeming grace, with graphic examples to illustrate our truth-suppression and idolatrous identity.

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