‘If only I had enough faith, I would be healed by now’ or ‘You just need to believe, then you’ll be fully healed’. I don't know about you, but I’ve heard this being reverberated around even in the conservative circles I’m in. So what would you do if you hear someone who walks up to another person and says, ‘You know, you can be fully healed?’ or if a sick church member is asking on your opinion on the healing services that’s being held down the street. How would you response to them?
For some time, I’m quite sure of my own stance towards these ‘miraculous’ healing, yet am not able to articulate it out well to others. Now, I’m quite sure I’ll be able to explain why I think these aren’t necessary biblical. Scott Blackwell, in this very helpful book explains why this is so.
First, Scott gives a quick introduction on himself, and how he could have personally been able to ‘attest’ to such healing, yet because of God’s clear Word, is unable to. Scott then analysis the scene and seeks to explain why some within the christian circles are so keen/eager to witness to such ‘healings'. Scott does spent a bit of space on this topic and though I do not fully agree with his analysis, I think overall Scott has made an accurate and clear analysis of what is happening within these circles currently. One other point that Scott made clear within this section is that life is hard. Too many a times, Christians ‘forget’ that life in this sinfully world is hard! Why should we be so surprised at some of the suffering we would have to go through in this world?
Next, Scott looks into the bible, and from there defends why he thinks such healings are not warranted by the bible. I found this section particularly strong and well worth the price of the book (though the wording of one particular chapter is rather misleading). This section does make any Christian wrestle with these texts themselves, ‘Does the bible gives us warranty for such miraculous healing?’ Now please don’t misunderstand me or Scott, we are not saying we believe in a deist, one who has created the whole world and has now left the world running on it’s own. We do believe God can, and might heal, but that is His prerogative, He might, out of His grace, but no amount of ‘work’ we do will expedite or ‘direct’ such healing.
Lastly, Scott very wisely, deals with the question of promises, what promises does the christian today have? This I thought was a very good ending to the book. Not only does Scott aim to answer against these miraculous healing, but he also aims to build christians up in the correct direction and base their trust in the correct promises. This is commendable and wise, and will definitely be helpful to many christians.
Scott has done an superb job especially in the tone of the book by not outrightly arguing with christians who might have been firm believers in healing, but has gently tried to show them what he thinks is a more biblical way towards this topic and calls them to turn to what the bible says.
Great book, really suited to a topic that’s happening in our day and age, yet not too overly technical or difficult. Recommended for pastors, church leaders and Christians who are interested to think through this issue biblically.
Rating: 4.25/5
If you're interested, you can get it here, and here (free international shipping), mobi. [sorry, only kindle version available for now]
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