Gospel, it’s something no one can have enough of. But many a times Christians lived as if we do not need the gospel, or we’ve somehow outgrown our need for it. It’s often heard that the non-christians need to gospel, but when was the last time you heard a sermon on how much we as christians still need the gospel?
In this book, William Farley writes especially for christians, to remind us of our deep and desperate need for the gospel each and everyday. This book is really a mini-systematic theology on soteriology, but a lot less intimidating and a lot more winsome.
Farley first concentrates on the importance of the need for christians to be preaching the gospel to themselves each and everyday. We often need to be reminded of the marvellous gospel of what God has done for us, through Christ Jesus. Failing to do that, we will be swayed away by our situations, our thoughts or our feelings. We moved from being God-centered, to me-centered. Salvation becomes how am I performing, rather than what Christ has performed.
Farley then moves systematically, from election to incarnation, death, resurrection and accession of Christ. Then ends off with Christ’s return and the new heavens and earth. This is really a good book especially for those who are reformed, too many a times, in the pursuit of correct doctrine, we at a loss of their applicational purposes. Farley remedies it by showing the readers how each and every doctrine is comforting for christians. There is even example prayers at the end of each and every chapter to help the reader be able to visualise what all these doctrine mean for us.
This would be a great introduction to the christian faith, for those who are young and old. However, I would recommend going through the book together if the reader is younger, as the person might see the influx of these doctrines as overpowering. For the young, it introduces some very good doctrine, in an easy to understand manner. For the old, it will help us be thrilled with the gospel again. It has been a good reminder, and I anticipate myself reading this every 1 or 2 years. I certainly need this reminder always.
I felt that it would be even better if there was a specific chapter on sanctification, and/or on mortification of sin/repentance. It’s not that these are not talked about in the book, but maybe a specific chapter on these 2 topics would make this great book even better. Certainly recommended for Christians young and old, be prepared to be thrilled and grateful for what God has done for terrible sinners like us, because of His great love, mercy and grace for us. Soli Deo Gloria!
Rating: 4.5 / 5
Disclaimer: I was given this book free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
If you're interested, you can get it here, and here (free international shipping), Kindle.
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