Tuesday 10 September 2013

News from Around the World (10/9)

The Olympics Curse - the fate that had befallen the previous Olympic hosts: massive overspending, empty buildings, and negligible tourism bumps. Just like their predecessors, they promised this year would be different.

Nazi Mind at the Nuremberg Trials - To many this conclusion is troubling, for it suggests that if everyday, “normal,” sane men and women are capable of evil, then the atrocities perpetrated during the Holocaust and other genocides could be repeated today and into the future.

Largest Mural in the World - It covers this residential building in Berlin, adding wildlife and additional windows. You can view more photos of it at the link.

Never Leave Your House Again - It might apparently be possible.... This plan seems feasible. And I presume someone would try to shoot a documentary/film about this? Something like the magnitude of Super Size Me?

Negative Space - Some nice pics about the use of negative spaces.

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