Old Testament and our culture - There’s no question that the Old Testament is a challenging read; it doesn’t yield its wisdom quite as easily as fortune cookies. However, it does repay disciplined and prayerful reading and research. Remember it was the Old Testament Paul was referring to when he said: “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works” (2 Tim. 3:16-17).
Pitting the Old Testament God of Wrath against the New Testament God of Mercy - The factors we weighed when we considered similar Old Testament passages apply here as well. But the point to be made is that if we take seriously the eternal perspective that is laid out in the New Testament, then it simply will not do to write off the Old Testament witness as intrinsically harsher and therefore not something we need worry our heads about today.
The Conscious Absence of Good - It is the conscious absence of all good things that leads us to the fountain of all goodness. That fountain is open to all who thus come; it is closed against all who come on any other footing. It is the want of light and life that draws us to the one source of both; and both of these are the free gifts of God.
Training of Your Children -A series of sermons (40!) by Al Martin on how to train children and many different issues, like child abuse, sibling relationships, chastening and admonition.
Sunday, 22 September 2013
Saturday, 21 September 2013
Christian News from around the World (21/9)
Eschatology 101–definitions - Some useful help on a complicated topic.
Spurgeon on the 10 Commandments - Here's one of the ones I like “When God writes the law in a man’s heart, he takes the law more to himself than he applies it to anybody else, and his cry is not, “See how my neighbors sin,” but, “See how I sin.” His clamor is not against his brother’s fault, but against his own fault. No longer does he look out for motes in other men’s eyes, but he is most concerned about the beam which he is quite aware is in his own eye, and he prays the Lord to remove it.”
Abortion Clinics Closing at Record Rate - This year, 42 clinics that provided surgical abortions have shut their doors, and two that offered chemical abortions by drugs also have closed, according to Operation Rescue, which monitors closings and health and safety violations by clinics nationwide. That number far surpasses the 25 surgical clinics shutdown last year and the 30 in 2011, by Operation Rescue's count. While others estimate a smaller number of closings, the pattern is clear.
Evangelicalism and Its Pathologies - Movements, like individuals, carry their destruction with them as well: genetic traits embedded in their institutional DNA from the beginning, which, left unwatched or unchecked, will eventually lead them into their own pit of despair. Evangelicalism is no different. Like all movements, it received at its birth both tremendous strengths and potentially debilitating weaknesses. And its history has been marked by the highs of the former and the depressing lows of the latter.
Spurgeon on the 10 Commandments - Here's one of the ones I like “When God writes the law in a man’s heart, he takes the law more to himself than he applies it to anybody else, and his cry is not, “See how my neighbors sin,” but, “See how I sin.” His clamor is not against his brother’s fault, but against his own fault. No longer does he look out for motes in other men’s eyes, but he is most concerned about the beam which he is quite aware is in his own eye, and he prays the Lord to remove it.”
Abortion Clinics Closing at Record Rate - This year, 42 clinics that provided surgical abortions have shut their doors, and two that offered chemical abortions by drugs also have closed, according to Operation Rescue, which monitors closings and health and safety violations by clinics nationwide. That number far surpasses the 25 surgical clinics shutdown last year and the 30 in 2011, by Operation Rescue's count. While others estimate a smaller number of closings, the pattern is clear.
Evangelicalism and Its Pathologies - Movements, like individuals, carry their destruction with them as well: genetic traits embedded in their institutional DNA from the beginning, which, left unwatched or unchecked, will eventually lead them into their own pit of despair. Evangelicalism is no different. Like all movements, it received at its birth both tremendous strengths and potentially debilitating weaknesses. And its history has been marked by the highs of the former and the depressing lows of the latter.
Friday, 20 September 2013
Christian News from Around the World (20/9)
Children's Bible Reading Plan - Good plan for those who want to read the bible with your children.
Living with Grizzlies -In the spiritual realm there is a great danger that Christians forget that the other believers in the church are still sinners. We grow used to each other, but we are still dangerous creatures, capable of inflicting devastating injuries on our unsuspecting victims. People are sinful, and to forget that is to set yourself up for a painful reminder. Living with sinners, even in church, comes with a level of risk at being summarily mauled, nipped, or at least occasionally scratched.
“Dad, I Think I Know All the Bible Stories Now” - And then, it hit me. For months (maybe years), I’ve conditioned him to think that attending a worship service is all about learning. From our Saturday night prayers (“Be with us tomorrow, Lord, as we go to church and learn more about You”) to after-church conversations (“What did you learn in Sunday School today?”), our way of talking about church is predominantly educational. No wonder he thought we should move on. If church is school, then eventually, you graduate, right?
Critics, Kids and Living Hope -Somethings that you might wished you had known earlier.
Living with Grizzlies -In the spiritual realm there is a great danger that Christians forget that the other believers in the church are still sinners. We grow used to each other, but we are still dangerous creatures, capable of inflicting devastating injuries on our unsuspecting victims. People are sinful, and to forget that is to set yourself up for a painful reminder. Living with sinners, even in church, comes with a level of risk at being summarily mauled, nipped, or at least occasionally scratched.
“Dad, I Think I Know All the Bible Stories Now” - And then, it hit me. For months (maybe years), I’ve conditioned him to think that attending a worship service is all about learning. From our Saturday night prayers (“Be with us tomorrow, Lord, as we go to church and learn more about You”) to after-church conversations (“What did you learn in Sunday School today?”), our way of talking about church is predominantly educational. No wonder he thought we should move on. If church is school, then eventually, you graduate, right?
Critics, Kids and Living Hope -Somethings that you might wished you had known earlier.
News from Around the World (20/9)
Steak, Vodka, Caviar and Food Stamp Cuts - Speier used a cooked steak, a bottle of vodka, and a can of caviar to point out members of Congress who had large numbers of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) recipients in their districts but opposed the program. The congresswoman pointed out many of the same members of Congress took trips around the world with large stipends for food and lodging.
Beer prices at Oktoberfest completely defies economic logic - Normally, beer buyers shy away from this kind of price-hike craziness. “On average, a 1% increase in the price of beer triggers a roughly .3% decline in the demand,” according the report. But Oktoberfest, it appears, is anything but average. Dating all the way back to 1980, a 1% increase in beer prices at the event has, rather incredibly, corresponded with a 0.3% increase in demand.
10 Types of Odors - The analysis resulted in 10 basic odor groups. Why 10? It could also have been nine or 11, but 10 was the smallest number that still captured the interesting features of smell, Castro said.
Kinetic Sand - Denmark may have the lockdown on Lego, but a neighboring country is also producing something children can use to build things: Sand. No ordinary sand, of course. A company called Delta of Sweden, which manufactures modeling compounds for use in the educational, medical, therapeutic and arts & crafts markets, has an invention called Deltasand.
“How To” Escalator - It’s not uncommon to be stuck behind 5 giggling, shopping bag toting tourists standing on the left of the escalator for example… and there’s nothing worse than that when you’re on the way to work (my sincerest apologies for the month it took me to figure these things out!). What’s the solution?
Beer prices at Oktoberfest completely defies economic logic - Normally, beer buyers shy away from this kind of price-hike craziness. “On average, a 1% increase in the price of beer triggers a roughly .3% decline in the demand,” according the report. But Oktoberfest, it appears, is anything but average. Dating all the way back to 1980, a 1% increase in beer prices at the event has, rather incredibly, corresponded with a 0.3% increase in demand.
10 Types of Odors - The analysis resulted in 10 basic odor groups. Why 10? It could also have been nine or 11, but 10 was the smallest number that still captured the interesting features of smell, Castro said.
Kinetic Sand - Denmark may have the lockdown on Lego, but a neighboring country is also producing something children can use to build things: Sand. No ordinary sand, of course. A company called Delta of Sweden, which manufactures modeling compounds for use in the educational, medical, therapeutic and arts & crafts markets, has an invention called Deltasand.
“How To” Escalator - It’s not uncommon to be stuck behind 5 giggling, shopping bag toting tourists standing on the left of the escalator for example… and there’s nothing worse than that when you’re on the way to work (my sincerest apologies for the month it took me to figure these things out!). What’s the solution?
Book Review - Broken Vows
What would you say to someone who's undergoing or who has already went through a divorce?
Is the gospel powerful enough to handle a divorce? The answer is a resounding yes, and John Greco seeks to show that in his book.
The book is split into 5 short chapters, and each of them was very readable.
The first chapter sets the context of the book, it talks about the author's experience in divorce, mainly about how his ex-wife had an affair and wants now to undergo a divorce. Not only so, the divorce had a domino effect and he lost his job as a pastor, but it then introduces the wonder of the gospel, with an eager expectation that one day, we will be free of all such effects of sin in this world that we currently live in.
Chapter 2 talks about how God works in mysterious and unexpected ways and how sometimes God does things for reasons known only to Him. Then it proceeds about the danger one faces when undergoing such situations, like a belief in a better circumstances in the future, or we begin to trust ourselves. The chapter ends with a clear call to trust in God in everything and for everything
Chapter 3 deals with the situation where one has to undergo 'unjust' suffering through no apparent fault of their own - "What is God doing?" - one will struggle with the question "Why I am made to got through this when I am not in the wrong?". The truth is, as the author points out, there is no one who's innocent, we are all sinners. In these situations we might be better than the other party, but hey, even our most righteous deeds are filthy rags, we too need Jesus to carry all our guilt.
Is the gospel powerful enough to handle a divorce? The answer is a resounding yes, and John Greco seeks to show that in his book.
The book is split into 5 short chapters, and each of them was very readable.
The first chapter sets the context of the book, it talks about the author's experience in divorce, mainly about how his ex-wife had an affair and wants now to undergo a divorce. Not only so, the divorce had a domino effect and he lost his job as a pastor, but it then introduces the wonder of the gospel, with an eager expectation that one day, we will be free of all such effects of sin in this world that we currently live in.
Chapter 2 talks about how God works in mysterious and unexpected ways and how sometimes God does things for reasons known only to Him. Then it proceeds about the danger one faces when undergoing such situations, like a belief in a better circumstances in the future, or we begin to trust ourselves. The chapter ends with a clear call to trust in God in everything and for everything
Chapter 3 deals with the situation where one has to undergo 'unjust' suffering through no apparent fault of their own - "What is God doing?" - one will struggle with the question "Why I am made to got through this when I am not in the wrong?". The truth is, as the author points out, there is no one who's innocent, we are all sinners. In these situations we might be better than the other party, but hey, even our most righteous deeds are filthy rags, we too need Jesus to carry all our guilt.
Tuesday, 17 September 2013
Christian News from Around the World (17/9)
The Influences of C.S. Lewis on Kathy Keller - Lewis has been my daily companion. He alone navigated me through the cynicism and illogic of my college religion classes. His prose was a model for my own. When others began to write about him and form societies and have dinners and speakers and tours, I must admit to a pang of jealousy. Lewis was mine!
Jesus Overpowers Your Envy - Envy does not just leave us feeling bad. We become its slave, paying out the prices it demands. So we toil to bring in more money, we amass debts to fund the lifestyle, we push ourselves harder to make certain goals, and we cover up those parts of us that don’t fit the plan. We’re not out to enjoy life anymore or even merely invest in a career—we’re creating and sustaining a reputation, an identity… a legacy. But those who appear better off always threaten to derail our plans.
John Stott on Pacifism -John Stott was once a Pacifist, but change his mind on it. Though Stott believed in the legitimacy of war, he applied his biblical wisdom to areas that cut across Right and Left divisions in American politics.
Essentials of the Christian Faith - Here are ten useful guidelines.
Jealous Preachers - In our honest moments I expect nearly all of us would be willing to admit we struggle with jealousy. It is a huge issue particularly amongst us preachers and yet it's rarely talked about. So much of the decrying of others ministries and us splitting into camps has jealousy at its root. It is very difficult to handle others' great success while we are plodding along and not seeing much visible fruit for our labours.
Jesus Overpowers Your Envy - Envy does not just leave us feeling bad. We become its slave, paying out the prices it demands. So we toil to bring in more money, we amass debts to fund the lifestyle, we push ourselves harder to make certain goals, and we cover up those parts of us that don’t fit the plan. We’re not out to enjoy life anymore or even merely invest in a career—we’re creating and sustaining a reputation, an identity… a legacy. But those who appear better off always threaten to derail our plans.
John Stott on Pacifism -John Stott was once a Pacifist, but change his mind on it. Though Stott believed in the legitimacy of war, he applied his biblical wisdom to areas that cut across Right and Left divisions in American politics.
Essentials of the Christian Faith - Here are ten useful guidelines.
Jealous Preachers - In our honest moments I expect nearly all of us would be willing to admit we struggle with jealousy. It is a huge issue particularly amongst us preachers and yet it's rarely talked about. So much of the decrying of others ministries and us splitting into camps has jealousy at its root. It is very difficult to handle others' great success while we are plodding along and not seeing much visible fruit for our labours.
News from Around the World (17/9)
Mysteries of Air Travel - But as a frequent flyer, I’d much rather have the book, which is a far more comprehensive book of questions and answers about airplanes, airports, airlines and the psychology of flying. Here are some excerpts — factoids that every flier should know.
10 Paradoxical Traits of Creative People - Creative people are humble and proud. Creative people tend to be both extroverted and introverted. Creative people are rebellious and conservative.
Science of Introvert and Extrovert - Extroverts are typically thought of as those people who are outspoken, outgoing and predominately concerned with what's going on with the outer world. Introverts, by contrast, are quiet, reflective and focused on the inner (mental) world. However, E/I is often seen as a kind of continuum, with people exhibiting a mix of introverted and extroverted tendencies —"ambiverts" fall somewhere in the middle of this continuum.
Building a bomb that won’t blow up - The bomb would be made with a new variant of ammonium nitrate fertilizer that had been touted as non-detonable. For Pentagon scientists, such as Best, the search for a fertilizer that doesn’t explode has beena Holy Grail-like quest.
10 Paradoxical Traits of Creative People - Creative people are humble and proud. Creative people tend to be both extroverted and introverted. Creative people are rebellious and conservative.
Science of Introvert and Extrovert - Extroverts are typically thought of as those people who are outspoken, outgoing and predominately concerned with what's going on with the outer world. Introverts, by contrast, are quiet, reflective and focused on the inner (mental) world. However, E/I is often seen as a kind of continuum, with people exhibiting a mix of introverted and extroverted tendencies —"ambiverts" fall somewhere in the middle of this continuum.
Building a bomb that won’t blow up - The bomb would be made with a new variant of ammonium nitrate fertilizer that had been touted as non-detonable. For Pentagon scientists, such as Best, the search for a fertilizer that doesn’t explode has beena Holy Grail-like quest.
Monday, 16 September 2013
Christian News from Around the World (16/9)
Regeneration and evangelism? - Regeneration changes the sinner’s nature, empowering his will to repent and believe the gospel. Without this work, no one would ever “see” or “enter” the kingdom of God (John 3:3,5). That is, no one would ever be saved.
The Psychology of Happiness - When we get those things, we are happy, until we're not. Psychologists call this the hedonic treadmill, in which the efficacy of a new pleasure wears off over time. The more feel-good stuff we do or have, the more we need to achieve the same level of happiness. It's like the tolerance that develops over time in addiction, so we need three glasses of wine to get the same good feeling only one glass used to produce.
Happy Birthday Dear - Denise did not get three score and ten. She did not even get 48 years. As such it is a temptation for me to consider all that we have lost. I look at my children, especially our youngest who was just a year old when she was diagnosed, barely two when she died, and grieve that they did not have more time with her. How we all would have delighted on this day in all her favorite birthday rituals.
Personal Relationship with Satan - We need to be careful here, obviously. We do not equate Jesus and Satan in some yin and yang kind of relationship. They are by no means equal. Jesus is creator and Satan is created; Jesus is the conquerer and Satan the conquered; Jesus is alive forever while Satan knows his time is short and that he must soon be thrown into the pit.
The Psychology of Happiness - When we get those things, we are happy, until we're not. Psychologists call this the hedonic treadmill, in which the efficacy of a new pleasure wears off over time. The more feel-good stuff we do or have, the more we need to achieve the same level of happiness. It's like the tolerance that develops over time in addiction, so we need three glasses of wine to get the same good feeling only one glass used to produce.
Happy Birthday Dear - Denise did not get three score and ten. She did not even get 48 years. As such it is a temptation for me to consider all that we have lost. I look at my children, especially our youngest who was just a year old when she was diagnosed, barely two when she died, and grieve that they did not have more time with her. How we all would have delighted on this day in all her favorite birthday rituals.
Personal Relationship with Satan - We need to be careful here, obviously. We do not equate Jesus and Satan in some yin and yang kind of relationship. They are by no means equal. Jesus is creator and Satan is created; Jesus is the conquerer and Satan the conquered; Jesus is alive forever while Satan knows his time is short and that he must soon be thrown into the pit.
News from Around the World (16/9)
Stopping the Next Mark Zuckerberg Drop-out - Earlier this year, for example, the Wall Street Journal reported that over a dozen students quit Stanford (paywall) to work on their mobile payments startup. Many students at Harvard have also taken “breaks” mid-course after receiving funding and mentoring from avenues such as the accelerator Y Combinator. Something similar is happening at Berkeley.
Why ‘Tetris’ Is So Addictive - Research on the affect of the effect has been deployed to explain what makes Tetris so addictive, how suspense keeps movie audiences interested, and how commercials can be made more effective.
Sergeant Stubby - And once, when a German spy infiltrated an Allied foxhole, Stubby attacked the intruder until American troops could capture him. This last triumph prompted the 102nd Infantry’s commander to put in for Stubby’s promotion to sergeant, and he became the first dog ever to receive a rank in the American military.
The Two Teslas - Anybody who thinks anything different is yelled at with all caps for being anti-science, anti-electricity and anti-life. But the truth is, the Tesla of the Internet's memory is clearly different than the real Tesla. So much so that you can consider Tesla as two Teslas.
Why ‘Tetris’ Is So Addictive - Research on the affect of the effect has been deployed to explain what makes Tetris so addictive, how suspense keeps movie audiences interested, and how commercials can be made more effective.
Sergeant Stubby - And once, when a German spy infiltrated an Allied foxhole, Stubby attacked the intruder until American troops could capture him. This last triumph prompted the 102nd Infantry’s commander to put in for Stubby’s promotion to sergeant, and he became the first dog ever to receive a rank in the American military.
The Two Teslas - Anybody who thinks anything different is yelled at with all caps for being anti-science, anti-electricity and anti-life. But the truth is, the Tesla of the Internet's memory is clearly different than the real Tesla. So much so that you can consider Tesla as two Teslas.
Sunday, 15 September 2013
Christian News from Around the World (15/9)
Questions That Will Radically Change Your Marriage - What if you could help your marriage be more about relationship and less about business? It’s easy to know our spouse’s schedule and forget about their heart. These six questions will recalibrate your marriage.
Destroy Your Marriage - The Devil had begun his work before they'd even made it to the altar. Though Tim and Jess are Christians, their dating and engagement were marked with sexual impurity.
Sanctified Imagination - What role does imagination plays in sanctification? See the answer by Kevin Vanhoozer. "My concern is that many Evangelicals are suffering from malnourished imaginations. This impedes their ability to live coherently in the world—that is, according to a meaningful metanarrative."
The Art of Taking Notes - I’d like to believe that my mind is a steel trap. But it’s more like a sieve.You can see how that might cause problems in a relationship. But it’s particularly a challenge for students. You’re investing tremendous time and money in what you’re learning.
Rookie Pastor's First Impression - I recently made the transition from the seminary desk to the church pulpit. It has been one of the most joyful experiences in my life, but also one of the most humbling as I have had to hit the “reset” button on my expectations and assumptions.
Destroy Your Marriage - The Devil had begun his work before they'd even made it to the altar. Though Tim and Jess are Christians, their dating and engagement were marked with sexual impurity.
Sanctified Imagination - What role does imagination plays in sanctification? See the answer by Kevin Vanhoozer. "My concern is that many Evangelicals are suffering from malnourished imaginations. This impedes their ability to live coherently in the world—that is, according to a meaningful metanarrative."
The Art of Taking Notes - I’d like to believe that my mind is a steel trap. But it’s more like a sieve.You can see how that might cause problems in a relationship. But it’s particularly a challenge for students. You’re investing tremendous time and money in what you’re learning.
Rookie Pastor's First Impression - I recently made the transition from the seminary desk to the church pulpit. It has been one of the most joyful experiences in my life, but also one of the most humbling as I have had to hit the “reset” button on my expectations and assumptions.
News from Around the World (15/9)
Insect with Natural Mechanical Gears - A pair of biologists from the University of Cambridge in the U.K., discovered that juveniles of the species have an intricate gearing system that locks their back legs together, allowing both appendages to rotate at the exact same instant, causing the tiny creatures jump forward.
Physical money vs digital currencies - The market for replacements is so fragmented that it’s hard for any one alternative to break out, especially because un-copyable digital money—a problem solved at least partially by crypto-currencies like bitcoin— requires operating within an ecosystem. Physical money is its own platform wherever anyone acknowledges its value (a dollar is a dollar anywhere in the world) but digital currencies require a collective conscious adoption of a new platform—special software to log into the network, for example.
Breathtaking Photo Spheres - Some really nice 360-degree photos.
The unhappiness of Facebook - Kross found that the more people used Facebook in the time between the two texts, the less happy they felt—and the more their overall satisfaction declined from the beginning of the study until its end. The data, he argues, shows that Facebook was making them unhappy.
Masterpieces Repainted In 8-Bits - Not sure if Leonardo Da Vinci would be pleased with it. I prefer the original masterpieces.
Physical money vs digital currencies - The market for replacements is so fragmented that it’s hard for any one alternative to break out, especially because un-copyable digital money—a problem solved at least partially by crypto-currencies like bitcoin— requires operating within an ecosystem. Physical money is its own platform wherever anyone acknowledges its value (a dollar is a dollar anywhere in the world) but digital currencies require a collective conscious adoption of a new platform—special software to log into the network, for example.
Breathtaking Photo Spheres - Some really nice 360-degree photos.
The unhappiness of Facebook - Kross found that the more people used Facebook in the time between the two texts, the less happy they felt—and the more their overall satisfaction declined from the beginning of the study until its end. The data, he argues, shows that Facebook was making them unhappy.
Masterpieces Repainted In 8-Bits - Not sure if Leonardo Da Vinci would be pleased with it. I prefer the original masterpieces.
Saturday, 14 September 2013
Christian News from Around the World (14/9)
Christian Consumerism - If pastors listened to Jesus, the church would be less consumeristic and more committed as they follow the model of their leader.
Contemporary Writers of Faith - Still, we believe the twenty-five writers on this list demonstrate that the rumors of the death of literature addressing faith are without substance—the result of people with ideological blinders on, leaving them oblivious to the rich literary experience going on around them.
Horrible, glorious, allowable - Maybe one reason why some churches limp along in spiritual mediocrity is this. Once the in-between category is considered acceptable, it’s not as though a church will seek the glory of the Lord strongly while also making room for a few in-between attitudes and activities.
Fyodor Dostoyevsky and the Christian Life: What can we learn? - Watch this video on David Powlison's comment and follow the link
Contemporary Writers of Faith - Still, we believe the twenty-five writers on this list demonstrate that the rumors of the death of literature addressing faith are without substance—the result of people with ideological blinders on, leaving them oblivious to the rich literary experience going on around them.
Horrible, glorious, allowable - Maybe one reason why some churches limp along in spiritual mediocrity is this. Once the in-between category is considered acceptable, it’s not as though a church will seek the glory of the Lord strongly while also making room for a few in-between attitudes and activities.
Fyodor Dostoyevsky and the Christian Life: What can we learn? - Watch this video on David Powlison's comment and follow the link
News from Around the World (14/9)
Fingerprints are lousy? - As German Interior Minister Wolfgang Schauble discovered, you leak your fingerprints all the time, and once your fingerprint has been compromised, you can't change it. (Schauble was pushing for biometric identity cards; playful Chaos Computer Club hackers lifted his fingerprints off a
Voyager 1 - The recent work, published in Science, suggests that Voyager has moved outside the sun’s influence and into the plasma of interstellar space, which is cooler and denser than the solar wind. The spacecraft’s instruments detected a change in particle density on Aug. 25, 2012 characteristic with the move into interstellar space that has remained the same since.
Trapped on the Internet -This new is just weird.....
Ig Nobel Prize - I'm sure you heard of the Noble Prize, this is the counterpart.
This is so cool. God's amazing creation and wisdom in creating them.
Voyager 1 - The recent work, published in Science, suggests that Voyager has moved outside the sun’s influence and into the plasma of interstellar space, which is cooler and denser than the solar wind. The spacecraft’s instruments detected a change in particle density on Aug. 25, 2012 characteristic with the move into interstellar space that has remained the same since.
Trapped on the Internet -This new is just weird.....
Ig Nobel Prize - I'm sure you heard of the Noble Prize, this is the counterpart.
This is so cool. God's amazing creation and wisdom in creating them.
Friday, 13 September 2013
Christian News from Around the World (13/9)
An Unknown Pastor Is Not the Same Thing As an Ordinary Pastor - I’m not sure there’s much ordinary about the pastorate and a great many of the men who serve the church are quite extraordinary. We found again and again that “unknown” is not the same thing as “ordinary.”
Dying well - Having considered the fact that people die, the Puritans concluded that a person should aim to “die well.” By “dying well,” they mean that a person should accept death with his wits about him, while remaining faithful to the Lord.
A Word for Us All - We need to study all of it and preach from all of it, not just the stuff that hits our sweet spot. God has a word for all of us—if we are willing to look hard enough and willing to listen.
Faith, Finances and Pharisee Discipleship - I wish you know what they are, before you find out what they're not.
Sin Helps us Understand the Bible? - Here are 12 ways it does just that.
A Word for Us All - We need to study all of it and preach from all of it, not just the stuff that hits our sweet spot. God has a word for all of us—if we are willing to look hard enough and willing to listen.
News from Around the World (13/9)
Suicide Survivor - Mistakenly, many think the term refers to people who have unsuccessfully attempted suicide. The term actually refers to a family member or friend who has lost a loved one to suicide.
Did a Comet Really Kill the Mammoths? - Human hunting or climate change or both can explain the demise of mammoths and other Ice Age megafauna.
Chopsticks That Doubles As Straws - Called “Soup Sticks”, this pair of surprisingly sturdy chopsticks doubles up as straws, allowing us to drink both our soup and eat our noodles without switching utensils.
Contact loss with Comet Chaser - Communication with the spacecraft was lost some time between August 11 and August 14 (we only talk to the spacecraft about once per week). The last communication was on August 8. After considerable effort, the team on August 30 determined the cause of the problem. The team is now trying to determine how best to try to recover communication.”
The Pains Of Composing An Email
Kindle Deals (13/9)
Some really really great deals today.
Jesus on Every Page ($3.82) [You really should get this], Otherworld: A Novel
(Free), 50 People Every Christian Should Know ($3.99), Defending Inerrancy ($3.99),
The Attributes of God ($1.99), Passionate Conviction ($2.99),
Contending with Christianity's Critics ($2.99),
Come Let Us Reason ($2.99), Tough-Minded Christianity ($2.99),
Truth Considered and Applied ($2.99).
Jesus on Every Page ($3.82) [You really should get this], Otherworld: A Novel
The Silence of the Lambs (or when Christians stay silent) (12/9)
What happens if all the lambs in the society became silent or were
forced to be silent? The pluralistic society that we live in today
allows everyone to voice their opinion and beliefs but the only voice
that is not allowed to voice their opinions/beliefs out loudly are the
Christians, everyone else has the right to voice theirs and to disagree
with them, is to declare war with them, strangely however, you are
allowed to disagree with Christians, even mock them since they're just
bigoted, self-righteous creatures.
But what would happen if
the Christians then decide to take a step back and just went quieter,
and slowly, just slowly, turned silent?
Would the society be more tolerance with one another? More peaceful? Happier? More "modern"?
I don't think so.....
Would the society be more tolerance with one another? More peaceful? Happier? More "modern"?
I don't think so.....
Thursday, 12 September 2013
Christian News from Around the World (12/9)
Spiritual Cardiology - Spiritually dead people don't need Band-Aids; they need defibrillators. They need the heavy shock of the gospel, accompanied by prayer that the Holy Spirit would haunt them with doubt until they turn from sin, death, and Satan to Christ alone.
Dare Not Compare - The problem with comparing our lives to others can be traced to our hearts that produce the comparison. When we desire the life someone else has, we are saying in our heart that the gifts God has given us just aren't enough. Our discontentment, jealousy, and bitterness points a finger at God and tells him that he has gotten the story of our life wrong, and we can write it better.
His Robes for Mine - His Robes for Mine teaches the substitutionary atonement of Christ, through which our Savior bore away God’s wrath from us, and the gift of righteousness by His grace.
Exciting Times at Puritan Reformed Seminary - We’re therefore,expanding the current facility by approximately 18,000 square feet to give us larger classrooms, 75% extra library space, several new offices, room for additional student carrels, enlarged student cafeteria and more.
The Ultimate Good Samaritan
Dare Not Compare - The problem with comparing our lives to others can be traced to our hearts that produce the comparison. When we desire the life someone else has, we are saying in our heart that the gifts God has given us just aren't enough. Our discontentment, jealousy, and bitterness points a finger at God and tells him that he has gotten the story of our life wrong, and we can write it better.
His Robes for Mine - His Robes for Mine teaches the substitutionary atonement of Christ, through which our Savior bore away God’s wrath from us, and the gift of righteousness by His grace.
Exciting Times at Puritan Reformed Seminary - We’re therefore,expanding the current facility by approximately 18,000 square feet to give us larger classrooms, 75% extra library space, several new offices, room for additional student carrels, enlarged student cafeteria and more.
The Ultimate Good Samaritan
Free Christian eJournals (12/9) - Updated
Credo - The topic this time is on "Born Again: God’s Sovereign Grace in the Miracle of Regeneration"
Themelios - This it the second issue for this year, many big names in this journal. Always a excellent read, with lots of book reviews.
Is the Scripture enough? - This is from 9Marks, it's not very long, always some good articles inside that especially helpful if you're looking to read up more on church ministries and it's workings. (note: This is the July/August edition, the September one is not out yet, will post the link for it when the Sept one is out)
Themelios - This it the second issue for this year, many big names in this journal. Always a excellent read, with lots of book reviews.
Is the Scripture enough? - This is from 9Marks, it's not very long, always some good articles inside that especially helpful if you're looking to read up more on church ministries and it's workings. (note: This is the July/August edition, the September one is not out yet, will post the link for it when the Sept one is out)
News from Around the World (12/9)
Why You Need a Nap - So what happens if you don't sleep? "A whole constellation of different brain and body functions start to deteriorate," he says. Our brains are less effective at absorbing new information without sleep. Plus, our ability to retain recently learned information is impaired, and "you lose the chance to essentially hit the save button on that information."
A Computer the Size of the Entire Internet - Docker then takes these ideas and applies them to computer servers. Hykes and crew want to provide tools that let engineers install and run server software as easily as you and I install and run software on our phones.
Mission to colonise Mars - A one-way mission to Mars as part of the world's most expensive reality TV show.
Thoughts on the Smart Watch - But there’s one thing your smart watch isn’t: a communication device. That’s what your phone is, and it does a great job of that. Furthermore, there’s no reason your watch should be dependent upon your phone to work. The headline to Samsung’s Galaxy Gear press release indicates that they view the watch as a communication device — that’s a big mistake.
Watch how this person aged
A Computer the Size of the Entire Internet - Docker then takes these ideas and applies them to computer servers. Hykes and crew want to provide tools that let engineers install and run server software as easily as you and I install and run software on our phones.
Mission to colonise Mars - A one-way mission to Mars as part of the world's most expensive reality TV show.
Thoughts on the Smart Watch - But there’s one thing your smart watch isn’t: a communication device. That’s what your phone is, and it does a great job of that. Furthermore, there’s no reason your watch should be dependent upon your phone to work. The headline to Samsung’s Galaxy Gear press release indicates that they view the watch as a communication device — that’s a big mistake.
Watch how this person aged
Wednesday, 11 September 2013
Christian News from Around the World (11/9)
8 Misconception about the Bible - Many misconceptions about the Bible can be cleared up simply by learning how to interpret the Bible, but some require a more detailed response. In this post I’ll briefly look at some common misconceptions.
A New Kind of Router - For years we have used software filters or accountability software to screen out porn. When we recently learned about a new device that promises to keep Internet Porn out of our house, we were excited to give it a try. The device is a router manufactured by Pandora’s Hope. The company promises that it’s router is easy to set up, works on computers and mobile devices, stops pornography at the “Gateway”, and causes no noticeable loss of browser speed.
Press on for the "Well done!" - Some excerpts of a sermon of Andrew Fuller.
Preaching with Authority - Authentic expository preaching is marked by three distinct characteristics: authority, reverence, and centrality. Expository preaching is authoritative because it stands upon the very authority of the Bible as the word of God.
An Interview with Tom Nettles - On his new book on Spurgeon: Living by Revealed Truth: The Life and Pastoral Theology of Charles Haddon Spurgeon.
A New Kind of Router - For years we have used software filters or accountability software to screen out porn. When we recently learned about a new device that promises to keep Internet Porn out of our house, we were excited to give it a try. The device is a router manufactured by Pandora’s Hope. The company promises that it’s router is easy to set up, works on computers and mobile devices, stops pornography at the “Gateway”, and causes no noticeable loss of browser speed.
Press on for the "Well done!" - Some excerpts of a sermon of Andrew Fuller.
Preaching with Authority - Authentic expository preaching is marked by three distinct characteristics: authority, reverence, and centrality. Expository preaching is authoritative because it stands upon the very authority of the Bible as the word of God.
An Interview with Tom Nettles - On his new book on Spurgeon: Living by Revealed Truth: The Life and Pastoral Theology of Charles Haddon Spurgeon.
(For free shipping internationally, click here)
"It is ironic that in a culture that puts such a premium on transparency, freedom of expression, and the right to be yourself that Christians know they may be sharply criticized for going public with their faith." Tim Keller
News from Around the World (11/9)
20 Earth Pictures - Some really nice and stunning photos.
Miniature Toy Figures Posed in the Real World - This series of photos looks really cool! This is a great photo idea.
Pastoral Paintings Hidden on the Edge of Old Books - I'm pretty sure there's no way Kindle books can do this (maybe they will in the future?). Yet another reason why hardcopy books will still exist for some time to come.
Social Media - An infographics on how man and women behave different on social media.
Oyster - a new subscription service that lets members read unlimited books on their mobile device for a flat monthly fee.
Miniature Toy Figures Posed in the Real World - This series of photos looks really cool! This is a great photo idea.
Pastoral Paintings Hidden on the Edge of Old Books - I'm pretty sure there's no way Kindle books can do this (maybe they will in the future?). Yet another reason why hardcopy books will still exist for some time to come.
Social Media - An infographics on how man and women behave different on social media.
Oyster - a new subscription service that lets members read unlimited books on their mobile device for a flat monthly fee.
Tuesday, 10 September 2013
Kindle Deals (10/9)
Lots of kindle deals today.
Basics for Believers: An Exposition of Philippians
An exposition of Philippians that considers Paul's instruction on consistent integrity and the cross as the center of life.
Forgotten Trinity, The ($3.49)
Discover Afresh the Living Truth of a Foundational Christian Belief
The Trinity is a basic teaching of the Christian faith. It defines God's essence and describes how He relates to us. The Forgotten Trinity is a concise, understandable explanation of what the Trinity is and why it matters. It refutes cultic distortions of God. It shows how a grasp of this significant teaching leads to renewed worship and deeper understanding of what it means to be a Christian. And amid today's emphasis on the renewing work of the Holy Spirit, The Forgotten Trinity is a balanced look at all three persons of the Trinity.
Introducing Covenant Theology
Since biblical times, history is replete with promises made and promises broken. Pastors and teachers know the power of the covenant, and they know that understanding the concept of covenant is crucial to understanding Scripture. They also know that covenant theology provides the foundation for core Christian beliefs and that covenants in their historical context hold significance even today. But to laypeople and new Christians, the eternal implications of "cutting" a covenant with God can be complicating.
God of Promise unwinds the intricacies of covenant theology, making the complex surprisingly simple and accessible to every reader. With keen understanding, careful scholarship, and insight, Michael Horton leads all believers toward a deeper understanding of crucial covenant concepts.
Basics for Believers: An Exposition of Philippians
Forgotten Trinity, The ($3.49)
The Trinity is a basic teaching of the Christian faith. It defines God's essence and describes how He relates to us. The Forgotten Trinity is a concise, understandable explanation of what the Trinity is and why it matters. It refutes cultic distortions of God. It shows how a grasp of this significant teaching leads to renewed worship and deeper understanding of what it means to be a Christian. And amid today's emphasis on the renewing work of the Holy Spirit, The Forgotten Trinity is a balanced look at all three persons of the Trinity.
Introducing Covenant Theology
God of Promise unwinds the intricacies of covenant theology, making the complex surprisingly simple and accessible to every reader. With keen understanding, careful scholarship, and insight, Michael Horton leads all believers toward a deeper understanding of crucial covenant concepts.
Christian News from Around the World (10/9)
Logic and a College Student's Faith - He was required to take Philosophy 101. Stephen says that having a foundation of logical principles and Bible doctrine before entering the course helped him maintain his faith.
Thomas Boston - What is most remarkable about Boston is the unique combination of so many graces in one man.
Where did the Bible come from? - In this five-step process—revelation, transmission, translation, interpretation, and application—we see how God speaks to us and cares deeply about our lives. We also see how the chasm between God and us is graciously filled by God’s revelation, which is more accurate and true than any human speculation (such as religion and philosophy)
You're intolerant, I'm right, the passive-aggressive tolerance trick - The key to understanding this trick is knowing that everyone thinks his own beliefs are correct. If people didn’t think their beliefs were true, they wouldn’t believe them. They’d believe something else and think that was true.
Thomas Boston - What is most remarkable about Boston is the unique combination of so many graces in one man.
Where did the Bible come from? - In this five-step process—revelation, transmission, translation, interpretation, and application—we see how God speaks to us and cares deeply about our lives. We also see how the chasm between God and us is graciously filled by God’s revelation, which is more accurate and true than any human speculation (such as religion and philosophy)
You're intolerant, I'm right, the passive-aggressive tolerance trick - The key to understanding this trick is knowing that everyone thinks his own beliefs are correct. If people didn’t think their beliefs were true, they wouldn’t believe them. They’d believe something else and think that was true.
7 Negative Effects of Porn - This is a rather frank post on porn, so proceed, or not, with that in mind.
News from Around the World (10/9)
The Olympics Curse - the fate that had befallen the previous Olympic hosts: massive overspending, empty buildings, and negligible tourism bumps. Just like their predecessors, they promised this year would be different.
Nazi Mind at the Nuremberg Trials - To many this conclusion is troubling, for it suggests that if everyday, “normal,” sane men and women are capable of evil, then the atrocities perpetrated during the Holocaust and other genocides could be repeated today and into the future.
Largest Mural in the World - It covers this residential building in Berlin, adding wildlife and additional windows. You can view more photos of it at the link.
Never Leave Your House Again - It might apparently be possible.... This plan seems feasible. And I presume someone would try to shoot a documentary/film about this? Something like the magnitude of Super Size Me?
Negative Space - Some nice pics about the use of negative spaces.
Nazi Mind at the Nuremberg Trials - To many this conclusion is troubling, for it suggests that if everyday, “normal,” sane men and women are capable of evil, then the atrocities perpetrated during the Holocaust and other genocides could be repeated today and into the future.
Largest Mural in the World - It covers this residential building in Berlin, adding wildlife and additional windows. You can view more photos of it at the link.
Book Review - The Unwavering Resolve of Jonathan Edwards (10/9)
Lawson categorized the resolutions into different categories and then systematically analyse them, and show how Edwards himself saw the importance of these resolutions and how he implemented or struggled with the implementations of these resolutions.
Kindle Deals (9/9)
One great deal for you guys today.
Tactics: A Game Plan for Discussing Your Christian Convictions

In a world increasingly indifferent to Christian truth, followers of Christ need to be equipped to communicate with those who do not speak their language or accept their source of authority. Gregory Koukl demonstrates how to get in the driver's seat, keeping any conversation moving with thoughtful, artful diplomacy. You'll learn how to maneuver comfortably and graciously through the minefields, stop challengers in their tracks, turn the tables and---most importantly---get people thinking about Jesus. Soon, your conversations will look more like diplomacy than D-Day.
Drawing on extensive experience defending Christianity in the public square, Koukl shows you how to:
Tactics: A Game Plan for Discussing Your Christian Convictions
Drawing on extensive experience defending Christianity in the public square, Koukl shows you how to:
- Initiate conversations effortlessly
- Present the truth clearly, cleverly, and persuasively
- Graciously and effectively expose faulty thinking
- Skillfully manage the details of dialogue
- Maintain an engaging, disarming style even under attack
Monday, 9 September 2013
Christian News from Around the World (9/9)
For Those Who Like Words - Then there are other words that are fine but only in their proper place. For example, I once heard banana in a funeral sermon and knew immediately that it was a near immoral placement of the word.
Not Even a Hint - “talking and thinking about sexual sins ‘creates an atmosphere in which they are tolerated and which can . . . promote their practice,’” how can we justify paying money to see, taste, and laugh at sexual sin? How can we stare at sensuality which aims to amuse and arouse and weaken our conscience and deaden our sense of spiritual things
Resting in Ministry - Since ministry is so difficult, it’s important to rest properly. One thing to remember is that ministry is primarily emotional and spiritual work.
Not Even a Hint - “talking and thinking about sexual sins ‘creates an atmosphere in which they are tolerated and which can . . . promote their practice,’” how can we justify paying money to see, taste, and laugh at sexual sin? How can we stare at sensuality which aims to amuse and arouse and weaken our conscience and deaden our sense of spiritual things
Resting in Ministry - Since ministry is so difficult, it’s important to rest properly. One thing to remember is that ministry is primarily emotional and spiritual work.
News from Around the World (9/9)
The Ultimate in Password Protection? - A new device called the Nymi has a different idea in mind for how to verify your identity, and with it, its creator Bionym prefigures a time where you don't so much as log in as present yourself.
Artists - creative professions are relatively low-paid, more likely to be unemployed—and robustly satisfied with their work.
Recycled Comic Books Become Superheroes - These looks really nice.
3-D Scanning to Open Up History - The ability to 3-D scan an object—and not just bring it back to the real world through 3-D printing, but lending out that data itself—is incredibly powerful
Illusion of Horizontal Stripes in Photos - To achieve the striped effect in his series “Painted Stripes,” photographer Benedict Morgan had the sets painstakingly painted to give the illusion of straight gray lines across the finished image.
Sunday, 8 September 2013
Christian News from Around the World (8/9)
Church, Faith, and Work - The gospel is seen as a means of finding individual peace and not as a ‘world-view’–a comprehensive interpretation of reality that affects all we do. But the gospel has a deep and vital impact on how we do art, business, government, media, and scholarship.
Start with Everyday Life, Now Overlay it with Gratitude - The saints we emulate have mastered thankfulness. For example, whenever a seventy-five-year-old great-grandmother prays, her gratitude is always prominent.
When You Are Planning to Sin Again - These patterns demand action. They kill our souls and our souls will not heal themselves over time. To the contrary, we need spiritual intervention.
Start with Everyday Life, Now Overlay it with Gratitude - The saints we emulate have mastered thankfulness. For example, whenever a seventy-five-year-old great-grandmother prays, her gratitude is always prominent.
When You Are Planning to Sin Again - These patterns demand action. They kill our souls and our souls will not heal themselves over time. To the contrary, we need spiritual intervention.
News from Around the World (8/9)
The End Of Email As We Know It - Now Google doesn’t just host and operate my email service, it owns and controls my entire email experience.
Expensive College Fees: All Rich Kids’ Fault? - In each case, the poorest students are paying slightly more than half of what the richest ones are paying. The numbers are even more startling when you look at tuition apart from room and board.
To Dodge Law, High-Cost Lender Offers Cash for Free - In Dallas, San Antonio, and Austin – which have all passed lending laws – those loans have come with zero percent interest. What’s the catch? After 30 days, the loan is due in full.
Why Did Pirates Wear Eye Patches? - The fact that some pirates wore eye patches most likely had nothing to do with a missing eye, and everything to do with being able to see—specifically, above decks and below them.
Deadly Skyscraper - It is a coincidence of shapes and materials, say physicists, that is ideally suited to focusing a tremendous amount of solar energy on a small area and generating a lot of heat—enough to melt the plastic coatings on the side mirror of an expensive sports car.
Saturday, 7 September 2013
Christian News from Around the World (7/9)
Youth Ministry and Performance Preaching - To mobilize this generation, the great and magnificent calling of every youth leader is to amaze their young people with God.
Dealing with Fear and Anxiety - Anxious and fearful people can easily slip into taking Scripture as a pill. Take one passage twice a day for two weeks and your symptoms will be gone. When the pill doesn’t work we have two choices.
Dealing with Fear and Anxiety - Anxious and fearful people can easily slip into taking Scripture as a pill. Take one passage twice a day for two weeks and your symptoms will be gone. When the pill doesn’t work we have two choices.
Accuser and the Advocate - There is an Accuser. There is also an Advocate.
Farewell, NIV - This year many Christian schools finally dropped the NIV, and replaced it with something else.
Take some time to listen to this song, meaningfully crafted and worded.
Farewell, NIV - This year many Christian schools finally dropped the NIV, and replaced it with something else.
Take some time to listen to this song, meaningfully crafted and worded.
"God can shape us in any way he pleases. He raised Moses in a palace in order to use him in a desert; he raised Joseph in a desert in order to use him in a palace." Ravi Zacharias
Snippets of News From Around the World (7/9)
Infographic: Why Is The Internet Ruled By Kittens & Bacon - Hope this answers the question.
A 300-Year-Old House Transformed Into A Minimalist Modern Home - Located in the ancient port city of Jaffa, Israel, the recently renovated property is a beautiful mix of the old and the new—known for their minimalist approach, the architectural firm has managed to keep the historical feel of the house without turning it into a time capsule.
Leonardo da Vinci: Facts & Biography - Leonardo da Vinci, perhaps most noted as an artist, was also an architect, inventor and chronicler of science, among other outlets for his talents.
A 300-Year-Old House Transformed Into A Minimalist Modern Home - Located in the ancient port city of Jaffa, Israel, the recently renovated property is a beautiful mix of the old and the new—known for their minimalist approach, the architectural firm has managed to keep the historical feel of the house without turning it into a time capsule.
Leonardo da Vinci: Facts & Biography - Leonardo da Vinci, perhaps most noted as an artist, was also an architect, inventor and chronicler of science, among other outlets for his talents.
Have Your Picture Taken With Hong Kong's (Smog-Free) Skyline - The novel solution appears after China's "Airpocalypse" in January and highlights, as the International Business Times points out, the "rapidly deteriorating air quality" in the country that has "stuck like smog on the minds of global travelers"
World’s Most Beautiful Trees Photography - Many beautiful trees :)
World’s Most Beautiful Trees Photography - Many beautiful trees :)
Friday, 6 September 2013
Kindle Deal (6/9)
Some kindle deals for today.
Twelve Ordinary Men
Contrary to popular belief, we do not have to be perfect to do God's work. Look no further than the twelve disciples whose many weaknesses are forever preserved throughout the pages of the New Testament. Jesus chose ordinary men - fisherman, tax collectors, political zealots - and turned their weakness into strength, producing greatness from utter uselessness. MacArthur draws principles from Christ's careful, hands-on training of the original twelve disciples for today's modern disciple - you.
A Puritan Theology: Doctrine for Life
($9.99) [yes, it's a bit expensive, but considering that it's about 1000+ pages in length, and usually retails at $20/30+. It's still a good deal to get.]

A Puritan Theology: Doctrine for Life offers a groundbreaking treatment of the Puritans’ teaching on most major Reformed doctrines, particularly those doctrines in which the Puritans made significant contributions. Since the late 1950s, nearly 150 Puritan authors and 700 Puritan titles have been reprinted and catalogued by Joel Beeke and Randall Pederson in their 2006 collection of mini-biographies and book reviews, titled, Meet the Puritans. However, no work until now has gathered together the threads of their teaching into a unified tapestry of systematic theology.
A Puritan Theology, by Joel Beeke and Mark Jones, attempts to do that. The book addresses Puritan teachings on all six loci of theology, covering fifty areas of doctrine. The book explores Puritan teachings on biblical interpretation, God, predestination, providence, angels, sin, the covenants, the gospel, Christ, preparation for conversion, regeneration, coming to Christ, justification, adoption, church government, the Sabbath, preaching, baptism, heaven, hell, and many other topics. It ends with eight chapters that explore Puritan “theology in practice.” Some chapters highlight the work of a specific theologian such as William Perkins, William Ames, John Owen, Stephen Charnock, or Thomas Goodwin on a specific topic. Other chapters survey various authors on a particular subject. The goal of A Puritan Theology is to increase knowledge in the mind and godliness in the soul. It was written for theologians, historians, pastors, and educated laymen who seek to learn more about Puritan theology.
Twelve Ordinary Men
A Puritan Theology: Doctrine for Life
A Puritan Theology, by Joel Beeke and Mark Jones, attempts to do that. The book addresses Puritan teachings on all six loci of theology, covering fifty areas of doctrine. The book explores Puritan teachings on biblical interpretation, God, predestination, providence, angels, sin, the covenants, the gospel, Christ, preparation for conversion, regeneration, coming to Christ, justification, adoption, church government, the Sabbath, preaching, baptism, heaven, hell, and many other topics. It ends with eight chapters that explore Puritan “theology in practice.” Some chapters highlight the work of a specific theologian such as William Perkins, William Ames, John Owen, Stephen Charnock, or Thomas Goodwin on a specific topic. Other chapters survey various authors on a particular subject. The goal of A Puritan Theology is to increase knowledge in the mind and godliness in the soul. It was written for theologians, historians, pastors, and educated laymen who seek to learn more about Puritan theology.
Christian News from Around the World (6/9)
Buying shares in God’s company - When 19 year-old Mark Zuckerberg approached his friend Joe Green to become a business partner of a nascent social networking company called TheFaceBook, Green declined.
Lead by Influence, not by Command - Command-and-control may work in certain scenarios, but for churches, that style of leadership generally doesn’t work.
Informal Mentoring - The greatest impact I have made as a teacher and a minister has been not through preaching to crowds or teaching classes, as vital as those are. It has been those individuals who have walked with me beyond the classroom or small group in normal, everyday life, talking about ministry and theology to be sure, but talking as well about living life for Christ.
Two Ways to Live (A review) - Heard of this evangelism tool? Click to the review to see how well this tool is.
The Merciless Permanence of the Internet - The internet is a place of merciless permanence, meaning that what goes online stays online, whether you want it to or not.
Seeing God in your Work - If you’re like me, you’ve often heard the saying that “work is a curse” as result of the fall in the Garden of Eden. That statement couldn’t be further from the truth.
Lead by Influence, not by Command - Command-and-control may work in certain scenarios, but for churches, that style of leadership generally doesn’t work.
Informal Mentoring - The greatest impact I have made as a teacher and a minister has been not through preaching to crowds or teaching classes, as vital as those are. It has been those individuals who have walked with me beyond the classroom or small group in normal, everyday life, talking about ministry and theology to be sure, but talking as well about living life for Christ.
Two Ways to Live (A review) - Heard of this evangelism tool? Click to the review to see how well this tool is.
The Merciless Permanence of the Internet - The internet is a place of merciless permanence, meaning that what goes online stays online, whether you want it to or not.
"The longest journey in the life of one's
belief is from the head to the heart"
Quoted by Ravi Zacharias, in Walking from East to West: God in the Shadows
Snippets of News From Around the World (6/9)
What 1,000 Tiny, Fracking-Caused Earthquakes Can Do to a Home - What's fracking you might ask? Well read on.
Do Octopuses Feel Pain? - How much pain and distress can these relatively short-lived invertebrates experience?
An Artistic Collaboration With a 4-Year Old - When Mica Angela Hendricks, a professional illustrator, bought a new sketchbook, her young daughter ditched her own art supplies and wanted to contribute to her mothers work. The result is a charming combination of grown up perfection and youthful imagination.
10 Fascinating Skybridges - See what's on no. 1!
When three bookstores have a fight..... over twitter - See what happens....
New 'Social Camera' That Makes It Easy To Take Pictures At Any Occasion - TheQ is a camera designed for easy shareability with friends, through social networks. With TheQ, your every photograph you snap can be easily edited with filters, touched-up and then shared on Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr wirelessly.
Do Octopuses Feel Pain? - How much pain and distress can these relatively short-lived invertebrates experience?
10 Fascinating Skybridges - See what's on no. 1!
When three bookstores have a fight..... over twitter - See what happens....
Funniest reviews on Amazon - Some are really funny.
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